Do you miss the convenience of Outlook automatically completing people’s names as you begin to type them on your new computer? Are you upgrading to a new computer and don’t want to lose all the names stored in your Outlook AutoComplete feature? Wouldn’t it be nice if Outlook installed on your new computer just “remembered” the names and filled them in for you?
You can copy the names in AutoComplete from your old computer to your new one.
Copy the names in AutoComplete to another computer
Important You must exit Outlook before starting the following procedure. The names will be included in AutoComplete when you restart Outlook.
On the computer with the saved AutoComplete names, go to drive:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook.
Note Depending on your file settings, this folder might be hidden. To view the files in this folder, do one of the following:
Dipnot: Profil adıyla aynı olmalıdır!
Dipnot2: Profil adına denetim masası -> Mail kısmından Show profiles diye bakabilirsiniz.