roblem:  Rebooted domain member Server or Windows 7 PC and receive error “The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship” when trying to logon.

Cause: This is usually caused by having a mixed Active Directory Server environment with 2003 domains & member Server 2008 servers & Windows 7 PCs on a Server 2003 domain.


  1. Unplug the network cables on the Server/PC that is inaccessible..
  2. Login on to the Server/PC that is inaccessible with an account that has Administrator privileges.
  3. Plug the server network cable back in while logged on.
  4. Change the domain name from FQDN (xyz123.local ) to the short name (xyz123).
  5. Reboot the server and log back in as the domain user and all should be fine.